Sunday 30 April 2017

What is more important-health or money?

That answers are unlikely to sound too cheerful. Because, as a rule, health is perceived as a matter of course, and it begins to take care of it when its shortage is manifested. Simply put, a sincere answer to the first question - health or money depends on what is currently in short supply. The question of money will be in subsequent articles.

For me, physical health is both the condition, the ability, and the energy to do what I need, to enjoy it, and to recover without any help. The human body is unique and has amazing capabilities, can almost cope with any disease, it needs only help and it will include all its reserves.

 Medical care determines our health by only 10%. This is characteristic of the whole world. At 50% health is conditioned by lifestyle, by 25% - by environmental conditions, which also depends to some extent on us, by 15% - by inherited factors. Consequently, 75% of our health is in our hands.

We all want and dream of some miracle, we want to be slender beautiful, healthy. How to achieve this? Here there is a range of different hypotheses. But nutrition, like any science, is based on laws that should not be violated by anyone: the rich and the poor, the woman, the man, the young, and the old. And unlike the laws of society, the violation of the laws of the science of nutrition, the objective laws of nature, is punished mercilessly.

This is either loss of health, or illness, or even death. And we want it or not, we need to know these laws and observe them. There are only two of them.

The first law is the law of energy balance, i.e. Conformity of energy value, the caloric content of the diet, our energy costs. Deviation in one direction or another is punished. The energy costs for the last 60-80 years have fallen from 4000 Kcal to 2400 Kcal. This is our payment for the blessings of civilization. We stopped moving. In accordance with the first law, you need to reduce energy consumption coming from food and increase energy consumption (physical activity) and you will look slim and beautiful.

There is a second law. The law of chemical balance. We need not only energy for our lives, but we need dozens of separate nutrients. And half of them are not replaceable. If they are in food, they come to us with this food, and we are healthy and well. Any one of them is not or little - and we begin to get sick, and sometimes even die.

In addition to the law of chemical balance, it is necessary to take into account that the body needs to effectively assimilate nutrients and bring them to the final consumer, to every cell in the body.

What is more important-health or money?
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