Tuesday 23 May 2017

Invert plum cake with honey and walnuts

With a simple and quite ordinary cake, hides a completely luxurious air texture and a delicious aroma of honey, nuts, and cinnamon. Yes, it was the dough in this pie that conquered me! Plum can be replaced with any other fruits and berries. Take cherries or cranberries - the result will be stunning! With apples, pears and even bananas will also be excellent. The main thing is a magic dough, the aroma, and taste of which is simply inexpressible, and no one, believe me, can not leave indifferent

~ 400 grams of plum
250 g of softened butter
4 eggs
200 g of honey
200 g of flour
10 g of a disintegrant
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
50 grams of grated bitter chocolate
200 g of chopped walnuts or almonds
100 ml of liqueur "Amaretto"

1) Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Form with a thick bottom (for example, a frying pan with a removable handle) with a diameter of 24 cm oiled. Soften butter with a mixer until creamy. Gradually, one by one add eggs, vanilla extract, and honey, whilst continuing to beat.
2) Separately mix sifted with baking powder, cinnamon, grated chocolate, and nuts. And alternately with the liqueur "Amaretto" add to the egg-and-butter mass.
3) Cut the plums in half, remove the stone and cut it down into the bottom of the mold. Top with dough, surface with a shovel and put in the oven for about 50 minutes (depending on the oven). Willingness to check with a wooden skewer.
4) Finish the cake to cool in the form, then turn over to the dish. The cake is delicious both in warm and cold.

Invert plum cake with honey and walnuts
4/ 5


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