Saturday 3 June 2017

Kwandong dessert

Kwandong dessert - the fruit of the same-named Australian tree-like plant. It is a small (up to 2 cm in diameter) berry-drupe. Its external appearance is characterized by a pear-shaped form and a bright color of thin skin in a red, rarely yellow color. Culinary uses a juicy pulp with a pleasant aroma and intense sweet taste, simultaneously reminiscent of peaches, apricots and rhubarb.

Caloric value
In 100 gr. Kondong dessert contains about 80 kcal.

How to eat and cook
The dessert qqdong is suitable for fresh consumption. Moreover, in Australian aborigines, these fruits are considered a full-value replacement of meat. In cooking, dessert qddong is used, as a rule, for making jams, jams, sauces, chutney, as well as bakery products and bakery, where the fruit pulp is used as a filling. From the bones of these berries are extracted oil. In addition, they can be fried and salted.

How to choose
When choosing a dessert kvadonga, you should take into account the ripening period of these fruits, which falls at the end of spring - early summer. Since only ripe berries are used for food, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the skin, when ripe it is colored in a bright red color.

In its fresh form, the dessert kandong very quickly deteriorates. Therefore, for long periods of storage, berries are usually dried or frozen. In this condition, they can be stored for up to 8 years, while the taste and flavor of the fruit remain almost at its original level.

Beneficial features
The high content of vitamin C in the pulp (more than citrus fruits) makes dessert qddong an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic drug against a number of diseases. In turn, the bone of these berries, rich in antioxidants, contributes to slowing the aging process, improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Restrictions on the use
Dessert quantum is not recommended for use with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as when individual components are intolerant of the chemical composition of these berries.

Kwandong dessert
4/ 5


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