Saturday 10 June 2017

To make this cake, you do not need any sophisticated and exotic products.

Only the usual ingredients - flour, sugar, sour cream, condensed milk ... But, what a result! Great! The cake is delicious! And what an incredible incision!
The only thing, according to this recipe, I got instead of 12-15 cakes ... 17. I carefully read the description of the preparation ... And covered the cream on top with cream (from butter and chocolate in equal quantities and decorated with bezesskami)

For the cake:
2 eggs
100 g of sugar
100 g sour cream
100 grams of butter at room temperature
3 glasses of flour + on a dust
1/2 tsp Soda

For cream:
400 g sour cream
1/2 can boiled condensed milk (can be more)
For sweet tooth, you can add a little sugar or cream or dough.


1. Wipe the sugar with butter, add eggs, sour cream and soda. Good to mix. Gradually add flour. You can add a little less than 3 glasses. The dough should be a little softer than the dumplings. Remove for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

2. Divide the dough into 12-15 slices and roll it out thinly, if necessary adding flour. It is most convenient to roll the crusts directly on the baking paper. Cut the size of the cake can be both at the stage of rolling and after baking. The latter option seems to me more convenient. Before baking cakes pierce in several places with a fork.

3. Bake cakes at a temperature of 190 degrees until a slight blanching (about 3-4 minutes). Do not overdo it, otherwise the cakes will be dry. Cut the hot cake by template. Remove trimmings for sprinkles. I obtained 13 cakes with a diameter of 21 cm + trimming, which the children were re-polling.

4. For cream, whip the sour cream with boiled condensed milk. You can adjust the sweetness and consistency by using a portion of the condensed milk in the cream. The cream should not be dense or liquid. He should lie down well, not flowing out, and at the same time should well soak up neutral cakes.

5. Leave the cake at room temperature for 3 hours, and then rearrange it in the refrigerator, preferably overnight.

To make this cake, you do not need any sophisticated and exotic products.
4/ 5


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