Wednesday 14 June 2017

Pumpkin Floor Laying Sweet

3 pack oat biscuits
100 gr butter
1 kg shells peeled cube cubes chopped honeycomb
2 cups of powdered sugar
Half a teaspoon of water

For cream:
1-liter milk
2 crumbling meal spoon flour
2 crumbles meal spoon starch
1 cup of powdered sugar
200 ml cream
1 packet of vanilla
1 package plain cream shaker + 1 water glass cold milk

Put the honey beaker in a pot of water and sugar and cook the pumpkin until it softens. Pass the sauces through the robots and mix with the melted butter. Place the biscuit press on the bottom of a handcuffed mold (I used a rectangular mold). Remove all the ingredients except the liquid cream from the ingredients needed for the cream. Add cream and mix for 5-7 minutes. Pour the cream on top of the cookie base. Spread the zucchini that is baked afterward and spread on the puddings. Spread the cream over the pudding and spread it over the top and wait for 2-3 hours in the cupboard. Spruce

Pumpkin Floor Laying Sweet
4/ 5


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