Friday 23 June 2017

Brazilian chocolate cake

A very popular cupcake recipe in Brazil and Portugal. This time it's a chocolate cake with the sonorous name "Nega Maluca". His story goes back to the times of slavery in Brazil when an African slave was sold to a wealthy family living in São Paulo. Once she cooked an ordinary "light" wheat cake when she accidentally spilled cocoa into a bowl with a dough. At first, she was frightened but still decided to bake a cake in this form. And the result surpassed all her expectations!
She herself did not speak Portuguese at all and no one understood her. Therefore, she was given the nickname - Nega Maluca. Maluca means "crazy", "reckless." Hence the name of this cupcake.
In Russia, a similar principle of making a chocolate biscuit, called "chocolate on boiling water." And it is very similar to the American "chiffon" biscuit, which is prepared with the addition of vegetable oil. The cake is very lush, soft, porous. And it can serve as an excellent base for any biscuit cakes and pastries.
Traditionally, the top of the "Nega Maluca" cake is covered with either chocolate glaze or the so-called "brigadier" cream. The second option seems to me more interesting and tasty. That's it I'm offering you today ... :)

4 eggs
1 and 1/2 cups of sugar
2 cups of flour
1 cup vegetable oil odorless
1 cup of cocoa
1 cup boiling water
1 tbsp. Baking powder

Chocolate cream:
1/2 cans (195 g) of condensed milk without adding vegetable fats
6 tablespoons cocoa
6 tablespoons Milk
1 tbsp. Butter

1) Dough: Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Rectangular shape (~ 20x30 cm) grease with oil and sprinkle with flour. In a bowl, mix the sugar, sifted together with flour, cocoa and salt, and vegetable oil. Add hot (almost boiling) water, eggs and baking powder, and mix properly until smooth. Pour the dough into prepared form, surface with a shovel and put into the oven. Bake for about 40 minutes. Willingness to check with a wooden skewer. Ready cake to cool and remove from the mold.

2) Chocolate cream: mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on a fire. With constant stirring, bring the mass to the desired density. The resulting cream to cover the cake.

Brazilian chocolate cake
4/ 5


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